The fucking ever ending story of the gestapo systematically imbedded in institutions.

How does one create a fascist as a teacher??? Easy! Using the tools of policing and creating fear to the newcomers/„guests“. In the process of learning a new language starting at the age of 42 in a new country, one knows that there will be a lot of humbling moments. Yes, learning a language is difficult and some people say almost impossible after „a certain age“. And humbling moments are a gift, however, accepting behavior that is well known to be racist and fascist should not be associated with the experience of learning something new. That’s simply abuse and completely recreating policing of people with migrant backgrounds, ostracizing and dehumanizing people with tactics of what is or is not Deutsch, especially dangerous when all that she says is Deutsch is a little too close to the right, the right that is taking over Europe, a lot of America and Asia. How naive is it to think that what’s happening in Italy will not have repercussions here? Remember, not too long ago, it was the same story, just the „movement“ was going in the other direction….how sad to think a color, a gender/identity could be so threatening to someone with the thought of power and use that power to fuck someone’s life over???? So fucking glad you are retiring! A disservice to migrants and a waste of Steuergeld. Fuck AFD!

Elisa Osborne